Schulklasse barfuß im Schnee (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)

Lothar, Stammposter, Saturday, 29.01.2005, 17:45 (vor 7182 Tagen) @ Manfred

(ganz wenige Eltern haben es leider verboten)

und ein Hinweis auf die Empfehlung des Schneelaufens von Pfarrer Kneipp hat da auch keine Umstimmung bewirkt?

Ansonsten gibts unter "Preventing children`s foot trouble auch noch nachfolgende Information zu lesen:

Are you afraid he will catch cold if he goes outdoors with his feet uncovered? In a children's institution in Eggenberg, Austria, some years ago, the director, unable to afford shoes, had the boys and girls go barefoot throughout the winter - sometimes in deep snows. They were none the worse for the experience, and they developed a much greater immunity to colds than children in the same village who wore shoes.

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