Greetings from a U.S. Barefooter (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)

Marco, der Italiäner @, Friday, 02.01.2004, 09:14 (vor 7577 Tagen) @ Tim Carroll

Dear friend. I'm italian but I wish to remeber you that the German language parte of Switzerland is also a must for barefooters. Particularly the smallest Canton of Appenzell Innerhoden, ten miles from St.Gallen and not far from the lake Bodensee. THe very first barefoot path of all was opened at Appenzell say at least 15 years ago. It was not a closed park, but a looong (11 km about 7 miles) path in the mountains from Gonten to Appenzell you may reach with a narrow gauge train. You may leave your shoes directly to the train's attendant (and you find them again at the Appenzell station) or take the train shoeless. IT's fantastic. YOu may find very many boys and girls walking barefoot at Appenzell and also adults.
You may visit to get more news or contact the Tourist Office there (there is also a folder on the barefoot path with english captions that you may read also visiting clikking on Switzerland. I wrote something more there and there are pictures and part of the brochures.
In Italy barefooting is quite difficult due to people's mentality. You may see pictures and articles (sorry in italian only) visiting our site (that means born shoeless). Bye

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