Barfußlaufen in anderen Ländern (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)

MarkusII, Stammposter, Sunday, 07.09.2003, 22:49 (vor 7693 Tagen)

Hallo zusammen,

diesen Beitrag vom 05.09.03 aus der Newsgroup "" fand ich so interessant, dass ich ihn hier auch posten möchte. Er stammt von Keith Deacon:

"Dear All

It is my idea that in some countries, a barefoot lifestyle is more
acceptable than others.

Having worked in England, France, New Zealand, Zimbabwe and South
Africa, where I am at present, having been here off and on for 33
years, I think that South Africa is the most tolerant of them all.

Afrikaans-speaking children, in the main, never wear shoes until they
go to school, and then many schools don't consider it a necessity. If
the child wants to come to school barefoot, nobody bothers or makes a
fuss. English speaking schools are more restrictive.

In small country towns, which are usually Afrikaans speaking, most
childen and young adults go barefoot most of the time. A friend who
comes from a 8000 population town said that the first time he wore
shoes was at his church wedding, and only on the suggestion of the
priest, At the reception he took them off, and has been so ever

I found in New Zealand that schools didn't mind barefoot children,
no-one cared whether or not the kids came shod or not, and the
teachers and principal never demurred.

In England you are regarded as a bit of a "strange one" if you turn up
barefoot, but English people being what they are, they mind their own
business. In France slightly more tolerant, especially in the

In Zim, this is barefoot heaven. The climate is so mild that 99% of
guys only ever wear shorts and about 50% of them are barefoot all the
time. I had two African employees, and the second day they came to
work for me, they asked if they could not wear shoes, and were really
pleased when I agreed. Today, in 2003, some 85% of the white
population has left, and the indigenous popuation have so little to
eat, that the small niceities of life have disappeared.


Viele Grüße,


Barfußlaufen in anderen Ländern

Erik @, Monday, 08.09.2003, 19:11 (vor 7692 Tagen) @ MarkusII


Ich bin Franzose.Ich lese regelmässiger das Barfussforum.Man muss sagen, dass Barfusslaufer selten in Franreich sind.Das stimmt, man ist tolerant aber die Barfussläufer oft für komisch gehalten werden.
Das stimmt, wir sind nicht in Südafrika oder Neu-Seeland.Die meistens Kinder sind beschuht, besonders wenn sie zur Schule gehen.Zu Hause sind viele unbeschuht, aber nicht draussen.Das ist nicht üblich bei uns.



Hallo zusammen
diesen Beitrag vom 05.09.03 aus der Newsgroup "" fand ich so interessant, dass ich ihn hier auch posten möchte. Er stammt von Keith Deacon:
"Dear All
It is my idea that in some countries, a barefoot lifestyle is more
acceptable than others.
Having worked in England, France, New Zealand, Zimbabwe and South
Africa, where I am at present, having been here off and on for 33
years, I think that South Africa is the most tolerant of them all.
Afrikaans-speaking children, in the main, never wear shoes until they
go to school, and then many schools don't consider it a necessity. If
the child wants to come to school barefoot, nobody bothers or makes a
fuss. English speaking schools are more restrictive.
In small country towns, which are usually Afrikaans speaking, most
childen and young adults go barefoot most of the time. A friend who
comes from a 8000 population town said that the first time he wore
shoes was at his church wedding, and only on the suggestion of the
priest, At the reception he took them off, and has been so ever
I found in New Zealand that schools didn't mind barefoot children,
no-one cared whether or not the kids came shod or not, and the
teachers and principal never demurred.
In England you are regarded as a bit of a "strange one" if you turn up
barefoot, but English people being what they are, they mind their own
business. In France slightly more tolerant, especially in the
In Zim, this is barefoot heaven. The climate is so mild that 99% of
guys only ever wear shorts and about 50% of them are barefoot all the
time. I had two African employees, and the second day they came to
work for me, they asked if they could not wear shoes, and were really
pleased when I agreed. Today, in 2003, some 85% of the white
population has left, and the indigenous popuation have so little to
eat, that the small niceities of life have disappeared.
Viele Grüße,

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