Barfüßige Festgäste (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)

Otto, Tuesday, 13.05.2003, 15:16 (vor 7809 Tagen) @ Tom

HI Tom: Du schreibst

Ergo: Barfuß wirkt ansteckend. Ich sehne den Tag herbei (wenn ich ihn jemals erlebe), an dem Barfuß salonfähig wird. Dann werfe ich meine Schuhe auf den Müll und laufe nur noch barfuß... träum!

Die folgende Einleitung zu einem Artikel in der New York Times lässt einen denken dass es vielleicht bald in Mode kommt.

GOOD COMPANY; A Crunchy Menu For a Youthful Crowd

By DEIRDRE DOLAN (NYT) 918 words

LEAD PARAGRAPH - THE invitation was explicit: ''Barefoot formal -- evening gowns, jewelry and no shoes!'' And so, on a recent rainy Friday night, 12 girls from St. Ann's, a private school in Brooklyn, pulled on their raincoats and headed over to the home of their friend Lena Dunham on College Place in Brooklyn Heights, where they left shoes and socks in puddles in the foyer.

''I just thought it was sort of Bohemian-seeming,'' said Ms. Dunham, a 16-year-old junior whose parents, both artists. were hanging out in another room. As a devout vegan, Ms. Dunham also had other motives: ''I also knew that everyone's shoes would be leather, so I figured if I banned shoes that was kind of making everyone vegan as they walked in the door.''
Freundliche Grüße Otto

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