Barfußgehen in anderen Ländern (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)

MarkusII, Stammposter, Thursday, 19.12.2002, 00:30 (vor 7954 Tagen)

Hallo zusammen,

die folgende Website beschäftigt sich mit "Historical Boys' Clothing".
Natürlich spielt(e) das Barfußgehen hier eine große Rolle.

Hier die Links:

A) Allgemeines:

Schön, hier für Nordamerika zu lesen (leider nur für die Vergangenheit!):

"American boys thought it was "tough" or "manly" for a boy to go barefoot as much as possible. According to the autobiography of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain):
"... a boy who didn't go barefooted, or wore shoes when it was not absolutely necessary, was viewed as a "Miss Nelly". The unfortunate lad being an object of complete derision among my companions."
Thus going barefoot for rural and working-class boys was not necessarily associated with poverty in 19th century America. This varied substantially from Europe where the lack of shoes was considered a sign of poverty."

Wie man deutlich sieht, kann "Druck" auch in die andere Richtung aufgebaut werden - je nachdem, wie die jeweilige Kultur zum Barfußlaufen gerade steht.

B) Nach Ländern gegliedert:

Zwei wirkliche Lichtblicke heute:
"New Zealand boys still view going barefoot as a sign of "toughness" and freedom."
"Today, Canadian boys, in the summer, wear long shorts, which can also be used for swimming, and go barefoot all summer. It is still quite popular for walking around and riding a bike in bare feet during a Canadian summer."

Andere Länder, bessere Sitten!

Viele Grüße,


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